Here are a few nice things that clients have said about my work:

- “Thank you for the simple, reliable and good collaboration this year!” — Dr. Sara Aufinger-Scheed 22 December 2023
- “I think it is absolutely amazing. I really liked the platform before, but now it is perfect for me. I integrated 99% of your comments and have no further questions. Thank you so much for your work!” — Aleksandra Savitskaya, Bourgeois Bohème Fintech 23 June 23
- “I know I’ve said this before, but it bears repeating: it’s always a pleasure to work with you.” — Marikka de Tristan, Tristan Translations 15 April 2023
- “We are very happy to have found you. We’ll definitely reach out to you in the future if we need more German translations. Thank you again!” ― Chris Doukas, 18 September 2020
- “Thank you for the translation editing and the extremely pleasant collaboration!” [This is my translation of:] “Danke für die Revision und die überaus angenehme Zusammenarbeit!” — Alexandra Navruzova-Lang, Kocarek Übersetzungen, 27 August 2019
- “..thank you also for the good translation. We will surely work with you again!” — Wolfram Nöldeke, Textra, 13 March 2018
- “Our reviewer gave you a score of 10 out of 10 and this is what she had to say: ‘The translation is of very high quality, the original message has been conveyed accurately. The text sounds natural and fluent and adheres to the grammatical norms of the target language. Terminology has been used consistently.’” Rossen Assenov, Lynx Translate, 21 September 2018
- “I conducted a survey of our localization managers and they mentioned you as one of our most reliable translators. I’m glad we work together!” — Vladimir Kupratsevich, COO, Alconost, 22 January 2018
- “Thanks a lot for your job! The best as usual!” — Anastasiya Piletskaya, Project Manager, Rosan Diamond, 2 November 2017
- “Thank you for your excellent job. We appreciate your help a lot.” — Alexander Murauski, CEO, Alconost, 1 March 2017
- “Thank you for the timely translation! The client was very happy with it.” — Elena Drozdova, Babble-On, 20 March 2015
- “I am satisfied with Scott’s collaboration. He pays close attention to each order and strives to bring the translation to perfection. I am ready to recommend him to anyone who is looking for a truly professional and experienced translator from Russian to English.” [This is our translation from:] “Я доволен сотрудничеством со Скатом. Он внимательно относится к каждому заказу и старается довести перевод до совершенства. Готов рекомендовать его любому, кто ищет действительно профессионального и опытного переводчика с русского на английский язык.” — Misha Chirtsev, Unigolos, 22 December 2014
- “Very nicely done! Thanks, Marc.” — Marc de Tristan, Tristan Translations, 13 October 2014